The Google Internet Bus continues its journey across India educating people about the benefits of the Internet. A few weeks ago the project was launched in Chandigarh marking the start of its Punjab & Haryana tour. The bus will tour 15 cities across the two states over the next 40 days. The response during the first few weeks has been very heartening with over 40,000 visitors experiencing the Internet on board.

In Punjab & Haryana the Internet Bus we will focus on content in Punjabi, Hindi & English divided into four main themes which are information, education, communication & entertainment.
The bus project has grown from strength to strength since its launch in February 2009. Lakhs of people have physically trooped through the bus in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh , Kerala & Rajasthan and have learnt about the uses of the internet. Our surveys show that more than 1/4th of our visitors in each state have gone online for the first time after visiting the Internet Bus. We also found that at least 50% of our visitors have told more than five people about the internet.
Google has also learned from this initiative, the recently launched Virtual Keyboard on the Hindi Homepage is aimed at making it easier for first time users to search for information on the Internet.
Users across India can follow the bus through its journey, see pictures & videos, and join online communities by simply visiting
Posted by Nishant Nair & Srikanth Belwadi